Dreamers enlisting in military are a unique population in the United States. These are individuals who were brought into the country illegally as children and raise as Americans.

Because of their undocumented status, they face many challenges in their pursuit of education, employment, and citizenship.

One possible path to citizenship for Dreamers is to join the military. However, this option is not without risks and drawbacks In this article, we will examine the pros and cons of enlisting Dreamers.


Dreamers, or undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, face many unique challenges when considering joining the military. Although military service can have many benefits, there are also some disadvantages and risks that dreamers should carefully consider before making the decision.

One of the main disadvantages of joining the army for a dreamer is the risk of deportation. While the Military Arrestments Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) program allows.

Dreamers to obtain citizenship, it does not provide any legal protection from deportation. Dreamers who join the military can still be deport if their status is not resolved before their military service ends.

This risk may be particularly high given the current immigration policy environment, with increased scrutiny and enforcement by immigration authorities.

Another potential downside to joining the military as a dreamer is limit career options. Dreamers are barred from certain military occupations that require a security clearance or citizenship. Which can limit their career options and prevent them from pursuing certain jobs that match their skills and interests.

This limitation can be especially challenging for Dreamers who want to build a career in the military or use their military experience as a stepping stone to a civilian career.

1. Pathway to Citizenship

One of the main benefits of joining the military as a. Dreamer is the potential path to citizenship Under the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) program, dreamers enlisting can join the military and get citizenship faster. This program is designed to recruit individuals with specific language, cultural and medical skills that are vital to the national interest.

2. Job Training

The military offers excellent job training opportunities that can benefit dreamers in a civilian career. Many military jobs require technical skills that are in high demand in the civilian workforce. Also, veterans are favored for federal employment, which can be a big boon for. Dreamers looking for employment after military service.

3. Educational Benefits

The military offers many educational benefits, including the GI Bill, which can help Dreamers pay for college. This can be especially helpful for Dreamers who face financial barriers to higher education because of their undocumented status.

Also Read: Non Military Services and A Noble Way to Serve Your Country


Dreamers, or undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, face many unique challenges when considering joining the military. Although military service can have many benefits, there are also some disadvantages and risks that dreamers should carefully consider before making the decision.

One of the main disadvantages of joining the army for a dreamer is the risk of deportation. While the Military Arrestments Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) program allows.

Dreamers to obtain citizenship, it does not provide any legal protection from deportation. Dreamers who join the military can still be deport if their status is not resolve before their military service ends.

This risk may be particularly high given the current immigration policy environment, with increased scrutiny and enforcement by immigration authorities.

Another potential downside to joining the military as a dreamer is limit career options. Dreamers are barred from certain military occupations that require a security clearance or citizenship. Which can limit their career options and prevent them from pursuing certain jobs that match their skills and interests.

This limitation can be especially challenging for Dreamers who want to build a career in the military or use their military experience as a stepping stone to a civilian career.

1. Risk of Deportation

Enlisting in the military does not guarantee Dream protection from deportation. While the MAVNI program provides a path to citizenship, it is not a guarantee. Dreamers can still be deport if their status is not resolve by the end of their military service.

2. Limited Career Opportunities

A chief is confine from effective military paintings requiring safety lets in or citizenship status. This can restriction their profession opportunities and store them from pursuing effective regions of labor which are align with their talents and interests.

3. Emotional Toll

Joining the military can be an emotional challenge for Dreamers, who may feel conflicted about serving in a country that does not recognize their full citizenship. This can be a major source of stress and anxiety for Dreamers, especially given the current political climate surrounding immigration.


Joining the military can be a viable option for dreamers looking for a path to citizenship and work-study opportunities.

However, it is important to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and disadvantages, such as emotional costs and limited career opportunities.

Ultimately, each dreamer must make an informed decision based on their individual circumstances and goals in dreamers enlisting in military.


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